Martha Glory Kartaoui​

Life & Health Coach​


One day I woke up and thought,

"Who am I? Who do I want to be? Who do people around me think I am?"

my personal story

Starting at age 9 and ending at age 25, I was plagued with episodes of physical, sexual, emotional, and spiritual abuse.

I carefully constructed walls and barricades around my heart and around my trauma that not even the most enormous sludge hammer could break through. I plastered on a smile, pushed through with faked positivity, and began rebuilding my life. I felt like an imposter in my own life. I was consumed with making sure no one knew of my past, pain, and secrets. I created an identity separate from the trauma and all my brokenness. I worked endlessly trying to overcompensate and keep others at bay, so scared someone might discover my secrets. I became highly successful in my job, quickly working my way up the ranks. But with all this success, I was empty, scared, and imprisoned by my past.  
One day I woke up and thought, Who am I? Who did I want to be? Who did people around me think I was?  
Eventually, the unraveling of my life began, and I realized the cloak I had been dragging around and the fortress I had built was no longer sustainable. Someone suggested I hire a Life Coach. At first, I didn’t believe it would be helpful, as I had been in many kinds of therapy for the past decade.  I had tried everything, well, except coaching. I found a reputable life coach in my area, and over the next three months, we went through an eye-opening, emotion-filled process that changed my life!  


Martha Glory Kartaoui

“After my own transformation, I had a gripping desire to help others the way I had been helped.”

certified life & health coach

Life and Health Coaching certification through HCI/BHC

massage therapist & bodyworker

Licensed massage therapist/bodyworker LMBT #8261

reiki master

The use of gentle hand movements with intention to guide the flow of healthy energy through the clients body to decrease stress and promote healing.

leadership & human development

Bachelor's Degree in Integrative Leadership with an Emphasis on Human Development

breathwork specialist

Learning how to breath consciously is the easiest way to calm your nervous system, and it's free!

what i now know to be true is...

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